Seminar on Gynaecological problems in equines and foal mortality
The visiting six member Irish team of veterinarians headed by Dr. Christorpher J H attended a seminar on Gynaecological problems in equines, and foal mortality with the veterinarians and breeders of Jodhpur held at the conference Hall of Rajdadiji Hospital, Jodhpur. It was a very meaningful discussion, the latest developments in world on concerned disciplines were brought out. A special reference to deal with Rhodococcus equi infection in young foals was made, the treatment and prevention was narrated by Dr. Christorpher J H BVMS, MVM, MRCVS.
The Irish team visited the Stud Farm of Shri Sawai Singh Ransigaon, progressive horse breeders and member of All India Marwari Horse Society. The visit of Irish Team was organized by Ms. Margret Annet and Shri Sidharth Singh Rohet Member of All India Marwari Horse Society for the benefit of Marwari Horse breeders.